Frame Grabs from the Remos GX Demo

This is a regular blog post. Show notes and links to show audio appear in the other entries.

I’m still unpacking and sorting the audio and video that I captures at AirVenture Oshkosh last week. An amazing amount of content in a week!

In addition to the Cessna Citation Mustang flight, I got my first flight in a light sport aircraft (“LSA”), namely the Remos GX. As with other experiences at Oshkosh, I’m going to be awhile in putting together the episodes so that I can devote reasonable attention to them. But I wanted to get some frame grabs up to when your appetite.

Here’s the departure from KOSH. Here’s the one drawback to using the 0.3 semi-fisheye lens. You can’t really pick out the six or so other aircraft visible through the windshield. We took off in the hairball that is the usual departure scheme for KOSH during AirVenture. It should be more obvious in the video episode, where movement will show you the other aircraft.

Steep turns over some farmland about eight miles north of KOSH.

The approach back in to KOSH. Eyeballs outside and bracketing airspeed aggressively.

Just prior to touchdown. We asked for the orange dot and got it. Then left a little tire rubber right on top of it. Great control on the landing.

More to come on this one. My particular demo pilot didn’t seem too interested in letting me fly the aircraft. I flew a little enroute and then did some steep turns. After that, I said, “okay, let’s slow her up.”

At which point the demo pilot said “my airplane” and proceeded to deftly demonstrate slow flight and a gorgeous stall all the way into a falling leaf. Being that the demo pilot’s briefing stated that the flight controls his with no quibbling whenever he asked for them or took them, I took it to mean that demo riders wouldn’t be allowed to stall the airplane. A little disappointing, so I told him that I was done and that we could head back.

After talking to some of the other demo riders, I found out that others got to fly the stalls and other maneuvers, so it apparently wasn’t policy. And it could simply have been a miscommunication with the demo pilot. In any case, I’m going to invite a couple of the other demo riders onto the audio episode so that you guys get a full first-hand account of what it’s like to fly the aircraft through a little more of the envelope than I did.

Stay subscribed! Cool stuff coming!

Podapalooza Goes Off Without a Hitch

This is a regular blog post. If you’re looking for show notes or links to show audio, please check out the other posts.

Podapalooza 2009! It went over well and everyone had a pretty good time. It’s getting big in terms of the number of podcasters and shows represented, but it’s not unwieldy yet.

Here, Bill Williams, Kent Shook, and Rob Mark set mic levels and prep for the show. I took along my usual assemblage of cables and adapters and we patched together a good sound rig in something line 30 minutes. David Allen, who’s volunteering with EAA Radio this week, coordinated the broadcast with the studio and it sounds like it went off seamlessly.

A view of the stage and the gathering crowd as we set up.

Here’s the audience on the right-hand side just before we went live. A good gathering. Everyone there listens to at least two or three of the shows, which makes for a dedicated and attendant crowd. It’s odd how many times someone walks right past you until he or she hears your voice. At which point he or she whips around and introduces him- or herself as a listener. We truly are the voices in peoples’ heads, I guess.

Keep an eye on the Airspeed feed. Each show will release its version of the show at or after a specified time. I run the entire thing on the Airspeed feed, so be sure to tune in to hear the entire program.

We chowed down at Mario’s afterward and returned to the campground to crash. Seaplane base tomorrow if the weather’s decent!

AirVenture Oshkosh 2009

This is a regular blog post. If you’re looking for show notes or links to show audio, please check out the other posts.

We’re here! A little late for that announcement, but it’s true.

Finally got to run around the show grounds today. White Knight II flew a few passes while we were having lunch and both Cole and I dropped our food and started snapping pictures. The sun is in a pretty good position for photography, even though the cloud cover was a little heavy.

And the A380 flew a demo. Really amazing how slowly it appeared to (and did) fly over the show grounds. Airliners really aren’t my thing, but it’s the most notable aircraft at the show this year and I suppose I feel compelled to post a shot of it. Impressive for what it is. But others will cover it better. And they’re not going to let me fly it anyway.

Here’s a first. The big arch is down this year, so Cole and I did the annual picture at the old brown arch. We had just gone to the Warbird Area and were returning to the campsite to grab the deat for Podapalooza.

More as I’m able to get to the keyboard!