Red Tails Disappoints

As a new-media and social-media guy, you build audience by getting excited about your subject matter and getting the audience excited, too. But you build credibility when you point out the ugly among the good. I really wish that this post wasn’t going to have to be about credibility. Or about ugly. But it is.

I just got home from seeing Red Tails. I had heard that the film had received less than stellar reviews, but I made it a point to avoid others’ opinions and go see the film for myself.

I’m so disappointed. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.  Here’s what I saw. [Read more...]

AirVenture Oshkosh 2008 – Day 2 – The F-22

This is a regular blog post. Please check the other posts if you’re looking for show notes or links to show audio.

The F-22 Raptor took to the skies at Oshkosh yesterday and it was a really great demonstration. I understand that airspace restrictions required that the team perform only a part of the usual demo, but the flying I saw (and heard!) was pretty impressive. The sound is reminiscent to me of the F-14 Tomcat. You get a little rocket-style crackle in the thunder and I’ve always been a fan of that.

Here’s a pass with the weapons doors open. Part of the F-22’s stealth comes from the fact that all of the weapons are internal t the fuselage. That also makes it a pretty big aircraft (weapons take up space), but it still manages to have a gnat’s-ass radar signature. A ghost in plain sight.

Here’s a shot of the heritage flight with Dale Snodgrass at the controls of the P-51 Mustang.

The Photographic Stylings of Jay Bolyard

This is a regular blog post. To see show notes on recent episodes, please scroll down.

I ran into Jay Bolyard of Canton, Michigan at the Battle Creek Balloon Festival and Field of Flight Air Show last weekend. He had a huge lens and seemed to know what he was doing, so I gave him a card and asked him if he wouldn’t mind sending along a few shots. And here they are! Above is the diamond and the solo (1-5) against one of the beautiful white puffies that floated over the show both of the two days.

The diamond in a low pass.

The diamond in a climb preparing for another maneuver.

A beautiful heritage flight with a P-51 Mustang an an F-16C. Maj Jason Koltes (who appears in a recent episode) is the F-16 pilot.

All images are ©2007 Jay Bolyard. You can reach Jay at