Navy Primary Flight Training with ENS Evan Levesque – Audio Episode Show Notes

These are the show notes to an audio episode. You can listen to the show audio by clicking here:  Better yet, subscribe to Airspeed through iTunes or your other favorite podcatcher. It’s all free!

ENS Evan Levesque (pronounced “leh-VECK”) is a primary flight student at NAS Whiting Field near Milton, Florida.  He’s flying the mighty T-6B in the aerobatic phase of training, having recently completed the contact phase and flown his first solo.  He has instrument work and a formation phase yet to go.  Over the course of the conversation, ENS Levesque talks about the pace of training, what it’s like to fly the T-6B, the advantages of coming to training with a private certificate already in his pocket, and why he’s standing there soaking wet in the picture below.

You can follow ENS Levesque’s progress on his Facebook timeline.  There’s more information about the US Navy at and you can find a Navy recruiter


About Steve Tupper

Stephen Force is the superhero alter ego of mild-mannered tech and aviation lawyer, commercial pilot (glider, with private privileges in ASEL, ASES, AMEL, IA, and DC-3 (SIC) type-rated), and Civil Air Patrol lieutenant colonel Steve Tupper. Steve writes, records, and brings you the inside story about everything that really matters in aviation. He's flown with the USAF Thunderbirds, he's and airshow performer and air boss, and he's one of only five pilots ever to earn a FAST card in the glider category. Follow Steve's ongoing quest to do all that is cool in aviation at or on Twitter as @StephenForce.


  1. [...] Evan Levesque (pronounced “leh-VECK”) as a MDN 1/C at the US Naval Academy in 2010.  We then checked in with him during his primary flight training in the T-6B in February of 2012.  Since then, ENS Levesque has gone on to tailhook training, flying the T-45 [...]

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