These are the show notes to an audio episode. You can listen to the show audio by clicking here: Better yet, subscribe to Airspeed through iTunes or your other favorite podcatcher. It’s all free!
Even if your favorite show isn’t the Uncontrolled Airspace podcast, you probably subscribe and listen regularly. In any case, most Airspeed subscribers also listen to UCAP. I sure do.
We’ve had UCAP co-host Jeb Burnside talking about safety and Dave Higdon talking about aerial photography. But it remained to have pilot, author, and UCAP producer and co-host Jack Hodgson on the show.
On UCAP, Jack spends much of his time eliciting reactions from co-hosts Jeb Burnside and Dave Higdon and directing the conversation. I had always wondered what it might be like to give Jack a free hand to talk about stuff as a featured guest. It’s not that Jeb or Dave crimp his style by any means. They don’t. But solo solo Jack is a different thing from UCAP Jack and I wanted to explore that. So I called him up earlier this year and he agreed to jump on Skype and hold forth for an hour or two.
During the conversation, we talked about Jack’s flight training, airports, the pilot population, the aviation podsphere, and lots of other topics. There’s something in this episode for everyone.
The episode crowds the two-hour mark, but that’s what the “pause” button on your media player is for. Yeah, I could milk it for two episodes’ worth of download stats, but it’s better to have the whole thing right there, all in one place.
Please note that we recorded this in 24 May 2012 and it’s a little dated. Several opportunities intervened this summer that caused me to delay production of several episodes of the show. But better late than never. Especially after you hear the episodes that result from the stuff that diverted my attention this summer.
Think you know Jack? Listen in!
[...] Steve’s shownotes of the interview: On UCAP, Jack spends much of his time eliciting reactions from co-hosts Jeb Burnside and Dave [...]