Another session in the mighty Schweizer SGS 2-33A Absteigend Reibungmaschine. Two flights this time. The first was a basic flight with wake-boxing, slack line, some thermaling, and an interesting landing abeam lots of other waiting gliders. The second flight was a lot longer and involved a lot more thermaling and then the PTS airwork on the way back down. The track from the first flight is reproduced below. I apparently ham-handed the iPad on the second flight and didn’t capture the track log. Bummer, because we maneuvered a lot and that would have been cool to see.
It was a really good day for soaring. Lots of bumps on tow, but lots of thermals as well. A generally cool day through the whole relevant range of the atmosphere, but clear skies allowed the sun to heat the surrounding area unevenly and it was sporty. Lots of non-school gliders lined up to get towed. The nice thing about training at Benz Aviation is that the tow operation belongs to the school and tows for other gliders are on an as-available basis while I go to the head of the line each time I’m ready. Yeah, it costs money, but I get the training in and that’s what matters at this point.
This was my third time in the back seat and my fourth week of flying at least once each week. I’ve nearly doubled the 30 tows that I had in the logbook when I first showed up. I’m reasonably good in the maneuvers. I need some work on the precision of my landings and dialing in the SA that I need in order to make the peanut butter and jelly of altitude and distance come out roughly evenly.
I’m scheduled to fly next Wednesday and Thursday. We’ll go through the other maneuvers to make sure that I still have the inertial and muscle memory, but it will likely be mostly pattern tows to dial in the landings. If I fly well on Wednesday, Lee says that he’ll sign me off and I’ll call the DPE/FIE to schedule the checkride. That could be as soon as the first week in June, depending on schedules (and on whether I suck next week). If it doesn’t happen the first week in June, I’ll probably have to put it off until after the Tuskegee Airshow 20-21 June. But I have a clear path forward one way or the other.
A lot of work stuff to do this weekend, but I’ll also spend a fair amount of it studying for the oral. And David Allen and I will likely record another Airspeed episode about the impending airshow.
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