Still on for Airspeed Breakfast 20 March in Titusville, Florida

This is a regular blog post. Please check out the other posts if you’re looking for snow notes or links to show audio.

We’re on for the 20th! be sure to check out that morning to verify that we’re there.

I’m doing my annual sojurn to Jekyll Island, Georgia to go play golf with my dad (and, with any luck, fly my mom from Brunswick McKinnon (on St. Simons Island) to St. Augustine and back to build a little cross-country time).

As is my custom from time to time, I fly commercially in to Orlando the day before and hit Kennedy Space Center for a day and then pick up my brother and/or best friend at the Jacksonville airport on the way north to Jekyll.

So, I figured, why not try to connect with some Airspeed listeners while I’m down there? If you’re going to be near Titusville, Florida on the morning of 20 March 2009, please consider joining me for breakfast. I’ll be at the Cracker Barrel on SR 50 off of I-95 in Titusville, Florida at 7:00 a.m. sharp. Not a huge thing or a command performance. If you want to show up and shovel some pancakes and hangar-fly for an hour or so, you’d be very welcome. Just come on in and look around for us. If we get more than a few folks, we’ll push a few tables together.

I’ll tweet the evening before and/or that morning to confirm that I’ll be there. I’m planning to be there, but you know how airlines and other exigencies of travel go.

Hope to see you there!

Cracker Barrel
I-95 , Exit# 215
I-95 & SR50
4745 Helen Hauser Boulevard
Titusville, Florida 32780-2596
(321) 268-9911