Team Tuskegee Gets Press from AOPA

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The Tuskegee Airmen Glider Club got a nice writeup by AOPA today.  Thanks to Rod Rakic for helping to make the connection and to Benet Wilson of AOPA for helping to showcase our operations!  Check out the piece at or click the image above.

Deadly’s First Flight

Last month, I took Deadly up on her first GA flight.  I wrote it up at AOPA’s Let’s go Flying blog and posted some of the stills on Facebook.  But, if the flight had a primary media goal, it was to put together a video.

I really wanted to use Enya’s piece, Storms in Africa, as the music, but (a) I’m a lawyer who works a lot with copyright and wasn’t about to just use the piece without permission and (b) the licensing landscape is so broken that it’s usually not possible to get a one-off license.  Congrats, music industry.  That would have been a quick and easy $200 or $300 for you that I would gladly have paid.

The good thing, though, is that YouTube has an arrangement with some labels that allows use of the music in YouTube videos and pays the artist/label/publisher a cut of the ad revenue.  YouTube automatically identifies the song and runs the ads.  So I get my chance to use the Enya Tube, but it has to be hosted on YouTube.  In the end, I guess that’s a plus.

I’m pretty pleased with the video.  Deadly seems to like it, too.  A great morning for dad and daughter.

And, yeah, she got stick time.


Kids and the Sciences – Sometimes You Take Them to the Zoo

This is a regular blog post. Looking for show notes or show audio? Please check out the other posts.

Took the kids to the zoo today. Before you cock your head and say “hey, what does this have to do with aviation,” understand that it’s all about getting the kids fired up about science. Any kind of science. Hey, I prefer aerodynamics, but it remains that the scientific method and process applies universally. You need to expose the kids to as many different manifestations of it as you can.

So we headed to the Detroit Zoo. Cole and Ella, of course. And my sister and Scott and their son, Alex (born a year to the day after Cole).

The Detroit Zoo is a wonder. Maybe it was just the weather (60s and sunny), but the whole place seemed cool and clean and really fun to be around. I wish they had WiFi there. I could really see taking the laptop and a couple of cigars and finding a big 1930s-style stone park bench and camping out there all afternoon.

By far the coolest was the polar bear exhibit in the Arctic Circle of Life installation. I really love the underwater tunnel. Where else can you see polar bears suspended in the water directly above you?

Or let the kids seals and other fauna up close and personal?

It’s a really cool experience. Yeah, we’re going back to the airport soon enough. And to the Detroit Science Center and the Cranbrook Institute of Science. Get the kids out to meet the natural world! It’ll fire their imaginations and help to immunize them from a lot of the crap pseudo-science and outright lies to which the average American is so susceptible. Accept no substitute for up-close and personal experiences folks!

And besides. They have to fly to a lot of the places where these critters live, right?