A picture is worth . . . Well, you get the idea. And, in fact, I’m in the process of writing a thousand words (several of them) both for the blog and for print and other media. Hope to have a post and episode out tomorrow morning.
I’ve also planned a very special episode to initially tell this story. I’d like to have as much of this up as possible as soon as possible – at least the first thoughts and gut reactions, and that probably means that the usual sitting down on and off for a week won’t work. So I thought I’d ask Rod Rakic (of CAPblog fame) to turn the tables and interview me about the experience. I think that’ll get the information out in an efficient and constructive way.
Rod’s very knowledgeable and should be able to pull a little more information out of me that I think I’d get to you solely through the keyboard and I think it’ll work well. It’s a little experimental, but that’s okay. It’s called for. This is new territory for the show and this approach seems promising. We’re scheduled to record tomorrow night.
In the meantime, I’ll write and post some more pictures by tomorrow morning.
More soon!
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