Tony Condon is as an ATP and corporate pilot who also serves as the president of the Kansas Soaring Association, headquartered at Sunflower Gliderport. We sat down and talked about long-distance cross-country soaring.
Tony Condon is as an ATP and corporate pilot who also serves as the president of the Kansas Soaring Association, headquartered at Sunflower Gliderport. We sat down and talked about long-distance cross-country soaring.
John Harte is the chief instructor at Sandhill Soaring Club in Gregory, Michigan, just a few miles down the road from Hell. (Hell, Michigan, that is.) He’s the guy responsible for the hard left turn into gliders that I took in 2012, including obtaining my glider rating (Part 1 and Part 2), becoming an airshow pilot, and ultimately becoming a glider instructor. He has also flown extensively with FOD, giving him instruction in glider operations and formation flying.
John and I sat down on a recent evening in our respective sequestered locations and talked about gliders, John’s path in aviation, his trips to Bitterwasser to fly above the Kalahari Desert, and airshow operations.
We’re all sequestered in our homes due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. That’s bad. But it means that a number of the original aviation podcasters are a little more available than they might otherwise be and that’s good.
So I called up Kent Shook of The Pilotcast and we recorded a little more than an hour of hangar flying. We caught up from a few years of not hanging out much, which was pretty cool.
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Stephen Force is the superhero alter ego of mild-mannered tech and aviation lawyer, private pilot (ASEL, ASES, AMEL, IA, and DC-3 (SIC) type-rated), and Civil Air Patrol major Steve Tupper. Read More…
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